What Matters Most

Trying to figure out what matters most in life? Me too!

Sunday, September 04, 2005


And despite the fact that I am preoccupied by the plight of Katrina victims, I find myself also preoccupied with my own stuff.

I am paralyzed by indecision. Last week, when I began thinking that I could take a few weeks away from routine work, I immediately assigned that time to my personal work -- my writing -- my followup to the wonderful week at Squaw. I want to finish the things I started -- the work on the script -- and in my head, that meant taking off for another location for a while. Getting out of my house. Calling it a writing retreat, not a vacation. I thought about heading out to Minnesota and holing up in my Uncle Dick's lakeside cottage. Maybe catch a flight from the Twin Cities to Norfolk for a break, or if I drove to the Twin Cities, just driving down to Norfolk to see Mark, Tracy, Samantha, and Benjamin.

Then I thought maybe I should do some work on MY SUBARU, my personal film about my car. I am so excited about this project -- I feel in touch with the zeitgeist -- and I thought how wonderful it would be to mosey across they country gathering interviews along the way. Salt Lake, Denver, St. Louis -- all the way out to Norfolk!

Then I thought maybe I should pack up my car with clothes, blankets, and towels and head down to Louisiana, perhaps documenting a bit of that story with my camera and my brain. And ultimately I'd drive up to Norfolk.

Now there's this idea that I could just fly out to Norfolk. Stay there for 10 days or two weeks or whatever. I'm sure I could get some writing done, as well as help around the house.



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