What Matters Most

Trying to figure out what matters most in life? Me too!

Friday, July 30, 2010


A little busy is good. A little bored is good, too. Too much of either is unbearable.

Like most people I know, I am either too busy or too bored. My life, therefore, is unbearable.

It’s unbearably busy when I have lots of little work projects. That happens in this fashion: I have corporate clients who need my skills as a writer. I write things like training modules – online courses that take fifteen minutes to read, with a quiz that takes five minutes to complete. Of course, each of these little courses takes something like 20 hours to create. When I have multiple little courses to create over a month or so, it gets hectic.

It’s hectic in part because I have to do this work on top of all the usual things people have to do. Laundry. Dusting. Vacuuming. Shopping. Hygienic activities. Exercise. Replacing batteries. Recycling. Cooking. Tidying. Opening mail. Talking on the phone. Socializing.

Yes, yes, I know, I know – everybody has to do that shit. Yet, somehow, a freelancer’s life seems different and more difficult than a 9-to-5’ers life. Those 9-to-5 folks know they have to go to work. They can’t do the laundry while they are working. They have clear divisions of time and space: work-time and work-space exist in much different places than home-time and home-space.

Me, I can do the laundry, or socialize, or walk around naked during work-time, at my work-space, because it is the same damn thing as my home-time and home-space. It’s weird, even after sixteen years, to be able to do that.

Oh, yeah, also – boredom. My boredom is probably the same as your boredom. Except, well, when I get bored with work, I can’t exactly think, “Hey, I should quit my job, go freelance, and pursue my screenwriting career.”

So my boredom sucks worse than yours, just like my busy-ness sucks worse than yours. Assuming, that is, that you’re a 9-to-5’er.

What was Goldilocks’s job, anyway? Was she too bored or too busy? I can’t remember.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mad Men. Mwah!

OK. Phew. It's just a problem with the local paper not listing AMC. Sheesh.

OMG. Here in Tahoe, there is no AMC. Who is recording Mad Men? OMG. How can there be no AMC? WTF?!

Travels with Old Folk: We're meeting extended family in Carson City at noon. CC is 45 minutes away. Leave at 11? No, we leave at 9:30...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Everyone who has ever been, is, or will be in a relationship should watch The Philadelphia Story many times.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Going to Wah Ho's retirement party today. Mixed feelings, for sure.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I would appreciate the Goldilocks amount of work and play. You know, just right.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Funny thing about video, seeing myself from a year ago, or a few years ago. I am both entirely different and exactly the same.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday remains the day of discipline and discovery. When else do I get up when I don't want to get up, to do what I don't want to do?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Okay, so. Here it is. Yes. I adore Katy Perry. Back to Ur So Gay. I know, I know. Go ahead. Defriend me now. I understand.

Family and old friends offer a shared past, a deep & restorative breath. New friends offer an infinite future, a delicious struggle for air.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Until further notice, the best place to eat ripe, juicy plums is directly over the kitchen sink.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Last time I won a radio contest I was using a rotary phone. This time, it was a text message. Silversun Pickups, August 3. Thanks, 92.3!

Stress causes breakouts, overeating, shopping. Me, I sleep. Hypersomnia, they call it. The day after HS graduation I slept 14 hours.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Media, reality, technology, journalism. Mashed. http://ping.fm/qRhLm

Working today. Sure, yeah, it's a holiday. I have to remember the odd Tuesdays and various Wednesdays when I've played hooky. It balances.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

The largest free jazz festival on the West Coast - and what a day for it, too! I needs me some jazz... http://ping.fm/itlWa

Plans for this weekend: one, go for a bike ride. Two, put on inline skates for the first time in years. Maybe move forward in said skates.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

It seems I'm the type who would just as soon have no plans. I mean, for holidays and stuff. Am I a slacker? Or 'good with no structure'?